You find this page...don't be happy! it' only the begining and now the game start!

your mouse is your guiding light ....explore all this page....and you will solve the Enigma



Darkness forever, never ending night

flame in the ashes, water turn to ice

oh it's cold out here...

Follow hidden things, solve the Enigma

And the light will return

you are lost...out of time

will you return?


"Under the see there is the light city

it's all there in black & white

but dimension changed

Here, sleep this man forever...

into the storm"
























 An other way to Discover Enigma's world...








Remember the future, today, And tomorrow we Always be there...































If you Understand or If you Don't If you beleive or If you Doubt, there Is A Universal justice And the eyes of truth Are Always watching you...










We came out from the Deep to help And Understand but not to kill...














Things Are changing, but nothing changes,And still there Are changes




  Not that way...









Here Is the light...

Here's the mirror, behind there Is the screen...



 Then I looked Into my heart And It was there,

he Dwelled that I saw him, he was nowhere else to be found








The earth turned Grey

The see turned black

The rivers turned red

The sun turned cold

The beast turned pale

The stars turned fast

And the Air turned to poison





  Take the path to the rivers of belief





  Most of the energy we spend Is like A footprint on moving sands




If you believe In the light, It's because of obscurity, If you believe In happiness It's because of Unhappiness, If you believe In god, then you have to believe In the Devil 








  I look Into the mirror, see my self, I'm over me, I need space for my Desires, have to Dive into my fantasies, I know As soon As I'll Arrive, everything Is possible cause no one has to hide beyound the Invisible




Basic Instincts, social life, paradoxes side by side. Dont submit to stupid rules, be your self And not A fool. Don't Accept Average habits, open your heart And push the limits.













There Is no teacher who can teach Anything new, he can just help Us to remember the things we Always knew



o The answer is

One word

only one







Je ne Dors plus, je te Desir, prend moi je suis à toi, mea culpa, je suis la et Ailleurs, je veux Aller Au bout De mes fantasmes, je Devient folle, je m'Abandonne, mea culpa


  The path of excess leads to the tower of widom.




Just look Into your heart, that will be the return to Innocence..

  Man Is the dream of A Dolphin




Heart Is the engine of your body

but brain Is the engine of your life



The voice comes from far away. But he does not understand what is being said. but the tone of it was clear, beautiful and pure.

Like shimmering fibers of light the sound seduced him. He had never experienced such a senses of warmth. No sound had ever touched him as this one had.

Was it day or night?

Over and aver the sames voices.

They banded together upon a floating rhythm to create a choir. The light within him began to move.

The warmth roamed. Always faster.It took possession of him. everything became


The shalts of light, the heat and the sound meld together."Pass the frontiers" a voice calls to him."Your journey in life begins".

Only now he notices that no one spoke, rather, it was himself.

So it is time....just below...

Did you solve the Enigma? click here if you are sure!


© J Omni april 2001